"The Journey Begins at the table with a conversation; "what are your organizational desires and are you prepared to attain them?"
The Journey
The Journey, a Slade Signature process with over 15 years of experiential development, takes organizational leaders from the point of “What if” and “Why now” to “Why not” and “What’s next”.
The Journey is in the fabric of everything we do at Slade. It's the process by which we build strategy and deliver outcome.
A thorough process that begins with leadership and involves the entire team, the Journey involves strategic thinking, challenging observations and a curious approach. The outcome is a stronger, more efficient and productive organization.
It begins at the table with a conversation, “What are your organizational desires and are you prepared to attain them?”
The Journey is a four-step process that fundamentally prepares organizations to adapt, inform, leverage and invest in the mechanics that make it work...the team.
This preliminary step, many times, will begin deep in the subconscious. Slade is available to facilitate that internal desire to fulfill organizational potential.
Every adventurer, entrepreneur, life-long learner, begins right here and right now. Are you prepared?
Step 1, Discover
Discovery provides the foundation for the direction your organization will be going in and is the guide to success. Together we uncover the Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results needed to facilitate success.
We organize the critical questions to gain perspective, understanding the process and discovering the dynamics needed for organizational success. The outcome leads to the development of bold ideas, organized plans and action oriented results.
Step 2, Explore
Once we discover the opportunities and strengths that reside within your organization, we are prepared to begin taking steps to build a strategy that results in organizational potential and the team engagement necessary to achieve success.
Step 3, Understand
To grow, change must happen, and change is difficult. Understanding change is a positive step towards the end goal and important in the life-cycle of great organizations. Many organizations either move through this step quickly or bypass it all together.
Understanding focuses on the team, engaging them in the critical dialogue to fully understand how change is necessary for organizations to reach their full potential.
Step 4, Action
The action step is where the rubber hits the road and provides the team with specific tools to reach the goal. Setting benchmarks, measuring success and adapting are key elements to taking action.
Getting Started
Strategy, branding and resource development are necessary to lasting growth, yet have minimal exposure in the budget. This is why getting started is both the easiest and hardest action to begin.
Slade has made this step easy….remember it starts with a conversation.
Once scheduled, we'll spend time understanding what opportunities are ahead and anticipate potential outcomes.
Start now, invest a mere 16 seconds and make an appointment...it's easy!