"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.” - Arthur Ashe
The philosophy at Slade is concise, we believe, with most organizations, the solution to the problem currently sits at the decision making table. Reaching an organizations full potential will truly happen when leaders listen to what makes their organization thrive...the people.
To see organizations meet their full potential
Be objective, grow abundantly and impact others
Optimism, Growth, Faith, Honesty, Desire
Strategy, Brand, Resource Development
Supporting Community & Giving Back
Toby Bramblett, Slade's founder, believes in community, giving back and supporting charitable causes. He utilizes his passion and strengths to promote non-profit giving, and organizations with dynamic vision.
5|5 GiveBack
For every contract Slade signs, we GiveBack 5+5% to charitable causes. 5 is donated to a charitable cause of the client's choosing, aligning with Slade, and the other 5 is donated to a non-profit of Slade's choosing. Bottom line....it's a Win-Win-Win!
Volunteer Leadership
We believe in volunteering our time, talent and treasures with non-profits that need assistance in our focus areas of Strategy, Branding and Resource Development. We invest experience and perspective into organizations to increase awareness, furthering mission and develop sustainable leadership.
Volunteering - Peacebuilding Solutions
Toby Bramblett began volunteering with Peacebuilding Solutions, in their communications department and assisting to increase their audience and broadening their donor base. Currently Toby is steering board recruitment for Peacebuilding Solutions to ensure their Mission is strong and sustainable for the future.
Atlanta based humanitarian aid organization, Peacebuilding Solutions' Executive, discussing the organizational pillars.
Brand Persona Initiative
We philanthropically partner with organizations that have dynamic vision, a culture of community and a need to raise awareness. We lean on the tradition of face-to-face conversation to amplify the organizational voice through a video interview that dives deep into organizational culture.
The Brand Persona Initiative is a grassroots effort, sharing our partners' culture, mission and vision with the world through a conversation.