The Baker's Dozen of Consensus Building
Many see “it”, some are aware of “it” and few can guide “it”. “It” is accompanied by the crucial “head nod”, the subtle “lean in”, and the coveted, “hand shake”. “IT” is consensus building and if consensus building is a dull tool in your resource kit, then keep reading because it is a necessary tool for leaders.
Buying in to another’s idea is the beginning of building consensus….this is how contracts are built, organizations are birthed, and communities enhanced. Building consensus with a few “early adopters”, has been practiced by our ancestors for millennia - visualize early man grunting to a couple of hunting buddies…”Grrrr, fire, good, eat, sleep”. Next thing you know the hunting group grows from 3 to 5 and they all have a bigger fire, more meat and happier families….Consensus.
*Author’s note - One of the best tricks that can help build consensus is story telling. The best leaders in the world practice the technique of telling compelling stories to anyone that will listen (Hmm, let’s correct that to, the right people that will listen). Consensus building takes practice to master and telling stories can help.
If building consensus is a new concept, or one that is elusive, take a moment and become aware of times when someone asked you to be a part of their team….How did it make you feel? What was their compelling story that excited you and compelled you to take a chance with them?
Consensus building is about attracting the right people with similar needs, wants or desires as you and accomplishing a goal or making an impact. Now for the big bold challenge….Are you ready?
Identify a need that inspires you and visualize what life will look like if this need is completely met. Take about an hour and run through what I call, The Baker’s Dozen.
1. 5 minutes - Write your idea/need down in less than 3 sentences.
2. Be flexible and patient
3. Ask yourself what the top 2-3 goals are, to fulfill the idea/need
4. 5 minutes - Write down those top 2-3 goals
5. 5 minutes - Write down people, 3-5, you know that already hold some believe in your idea or have similar desires.
6. 10 minutes - Organize opportunities to share your idea and/or unmet need with others
7. Be politely persistent
8. 20 minutes - Tell your story, listen to commonalities, molding your perspective creating an environment for consensus and “skin in the game”
9. Be genuine and authentic
10. 10 minutes - Ask for their council of “early adopters” as you develop the idea for a big and positive impact
11. Be aware of future opportunities
12. 5 minutes - Adapt the idea statement, goals too if needed, and ask for referrals.
13. Repeat.
By moving through the Baker’s Dozen steps to building consensus, you are creating “Skin In The Game” and building trust. This group of “early adopters” will hear your story, your idea, and is now a part of your success. Conversely, you are a part of their success which preps everyone for a high standard of accountability.
Moving through the Baker’s Dozen a few times will hone your idea in such a way that the next steps for success are built through the group you’ve convened which gives it a higher opportunity to be successful and goals accomplished.
Good luck and remember that consensus building is an art that must be practiced.